Thursday 29 January 2015

Notes (Our Environment &Management Of Natural Resources)

The increase in the concentration of harmful chemical substances like pesticides in the body of living organisms at each trophic level of a food chain is known as biomagnification. Pesticides are non biodegradable chemicals and hence get accumulated at each level. Humans occupy the top level in any food chain. So maximum amount of harmful chemical pesticides get accumulated in our bodies.
About 1% of the sun’s energy  falling on the leaves is used by the plants in the process of photosynthesis and stored as chemical energy of food.
The plants utilize this energy stored in them for respiration and growth. Some of this energy however is not utilized and is released as heat into the environment.
# The flow of energy in ecosystem is said to be unidirectional because the energy lost as heat from the living organisms of a food chain cannot be reused by the plants in photosynthesis.

The 10% Law
According to this law, only 10% of the energy entering a particular trophic level of organisms is available for transfer to the next trophic level . this means that the energy available at each successive trophic level is 10% of the previous level.

Sustainable development
The development which meets the basic human needs of the current generation and also ensures to preserve the resources for the future generations.
Biodiversity hotspots
An area with a large number of plants and animals(flora and fauna) is known as biodiversity hotspot.
Inspite of good monsoons we are not able not able to meet the demand for water of all people. Highlight some of the reasons to explain it.
·      Due to rapid explosion of population, it has become impossible to meet the needs of all people through the available water resources.
·      Due to insufficient vegetation cover on the ground, only a little rain water is allowed to seep into the ground and be stored as groundwater.
·      Increasing urbanization has brought about a change in the lifestyle of people that require more water.
·      Discharge of untreated sewage and industrial wastes into the water bodies reduces the availability of water that is fit for human consumption.
·      A lot of water is used for irrigating High yielding Varieties of crops.

The river water gets contaminated majorly by two factors:
1)      Presence of Coliform Bacteria
2)      Measurement of pH.
Coliform Bacteria are a group of rod shaped bacteria found in the human intestines. Its presence in water indicates contamination by pathogens. The coliform is itself harmless but its presence in the river indicates that other harmful intestinal bacteria may also be present.

If the pH of river water is below 7, it is considered acidic and hence polluted.

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